What makes Sharp Hiring different than other firms?
We use leading-edge, compliant and properly-validated recruiting and assessment tools, combined with time tested engagement principles which will help you find, develop and retain the most productive and happiest team of top performers you’ve ever had.
Our clients and partners:
Hire and retain top performers at 4 to 5 times the success rate of their peers
Experience greater levels of performance and passion from their people
Inspire and develop everyone to be leaders (regardless of position or job title)
Build winning cultures for long-term results
What hiring tools and assessments do you offer?
Scientifically validated & legally compliant predictive “Job Fit” assessments
Job specific soft and hard skills testing
Interview guides and scoring
Automated online job posting and resume collection systems
What defines a “top performer”?
Top performers come to work every day and give their best.
They ask “how can I contribute” rather than waiting to be told.
They look for ways to elevate the morale and success of those around them.
They treat everyone around them with integrity, mutual respect, kindness and humility.
They care about how their words and actions will affect those around them.
They are driven by values, possessing the initiative and self-discipline necessary to do their best work with or without constant recognition.
And... top performers typically produce two to five times of what the average employee produces in the same position.
What does the Sharp Hiring recruiting process look like?
First you must decide whether to acquire the knowledge and tools, then commit the necessary time to “Do It Yourself,” or simply hire us to do it for you. We offer both. Our system is simple, easy to implement and adaptable to any process. The keys are having a better understanding of “the right stuff” needed for the job and having the benefit of more pertinent information about each candidate so you can reliably identify those with “the right stuff.
Our process begins with a solid definition of what a successful outcome looks like and the characteristics, competencies and attitudes of the right candidate. From this comes:
Personalized and creative job postings that attract the right candidates
Frictionless application process that makes it easy to apply
Preliminary custom pre-hire assessments and screening questions that quickly weed out those who are not likely to have success
Administering a scientifically valid and compliant “Job Fit” assessment to confirm which candidates truly have “the right stuff”
Using a well-prepared, competency-based interview format that includes objective scoring of candidates to minimize hiring mistakes due to unreliable first impressions and gut reactions
How do you find and hire more top performing employees?
We can help you hire the right people by finding candidates that fit your company, your culture and your products. Our secret sauce is that we:
Look at the whole picture – job fit, culture fit, talents & skills, job history, interview impressions – to suggest candidates
Clearly define the position including competencies and traits necessary for success
Market for the right candidates (every message matters – job posting, sources, interview scripts, etc.)
Follow the total person “Job Fit” approach:
Pre-screen for necessary attitudes and characteristics critical for success
Use objective scoring & valid competency-based questions to assess necessary skills and talents
Administer a legally-compliant and scientifically-valid predictive total person assessment that follows Job Fit science
Assess all of your data and build your case for your candidate. If you can’t, then satisfy your concerns before moving forward or move on.
Can you really predict how someone will work out?
No one can predict with 100% certainty. However, our success rate is about 80% (400% better than average). We use customized leading-edge “Job Fit” tools and science to uncover potential risks and validate candidate strengths, improving your odds of making better hiring and promotion decisions.
Our HR team oversees the hiring, can you work directly with them?
Yes, but we don’t follow the “typical” hiring strategies. Traditional HR teaches recruiting based primarily on risk mitigation and job screening. Though both of these elements are necessary, and part of our process, they are not comprehensive. Building an organization of top performers requires thinking strategically in ways many HR professionals have never experienced. It will be imperative that your HR Team understands that there will need to be a shift in thinking and doing to achieve the results that you want.
Can you help my managers be more effective?
Yes, we focus on three important areas: Coach, manage and motivate effectively. People don’t leave companies, they leave people (usually their supervisor). If you want to keep your good people, it is imperative you show them this by the way you treat them.
The same science we use to recruit top performers can be used to address your most common people challenges, leading to:
More effective management & development of remote staff
Resolving workplace conflicts
Improving overall performance
Reducing costly problem behaviors such as absenteeism and theft
Increasing sales production
Improving workplace safety and reducing costly injuries
How do I get my team to perform better together?
Work doesn't need to be about "the daily grind," with constant anxiety and frustration. Success and fulfillment at work increases success and fulfillment in our personal lives, making us better partners, better parents, better friends and better people overall. According to studies, executives and employees who feel successful and fulfilled out produce those who don't by as much as 400%. Greater Success + Greater Fulfillment = Bigger Profits!
As a leader, your job is to maximize the contribution of your team. Understand how to motivate and develop your direct reports in a manner that is effective for all. People don’t leave companies, they leave people, usually their supervisor! If you want to keep your good people, it is imperative you show them this by the way you treat them.